On January 4, 2025, the Nemaha Rescue Squad and Pastor Bob Heusman gathered together with the Nemaha community to celebrate and bless their new ambulance. Treats and drinks were served and after an address from Rescue Squad and Nemaha County Board of Commissioners member Mike Hall, Pastor Heusman led those in attendance in prayer before anointing the vehicle with holy oil.
“This is our first brand new ambulance,” Hall explained, “we purchased our previous one in 2007 and it was used when we bought it.” The brand new 2024 Dodge was purchased using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds acquired after the pandemic, as well as raising around $75,000 locally. The dimensions of the box where patients are transported isn’t much different than the previous unit, and the Rescue Squad plans to move all the gear and equipment from the previous ambulance to the new one. Despite its similarities, the new ambulance features four-wheel drive. “It’s [four-wheel drive] going to be really helpful in the snow and on muddy county roads,” Hall noted.
Along with celebrating their new ambulance, the Nemaha Rescue Squad also celebrated 40 years of serving the area. Having been started in 1984, the Nemaha Rescue Squad has answered emergency calls all around the eastern part of Nemaha County. “From Highway 67 to 62,” Hall said, “All the way down to Stella and Shubert, we’re the only rescue squad this side of airport hill, and often the ones called for emergencies at PASTOR BOB HEUSMAN anoints the Nemaha Rescue Indian Cave.” The Rescue Squad, like Auburn’s own rescue squad, is made up of volunteers that serve both the EMTs as well as the fire department, about 10 people, according to Hall. “We answer around 50 calls a year, sometimes more, sometimes less, and the old ambulance was just not up to the task any more.” The Rescue Squad plans to sell the old ambulance and recover some of the cost, and they want to thank those local donors for their support, and especially Paul Fish of Brownville, who was among the most generous of local donors.